Our Dad Alec Peat If we could write a story it would be the best ever told It would be about our dad who had a heart of gold Always there for his family with so much love and care All of his daughters have so many memories to share Sheila, Susan, Carolin, Alison He’d shout all our names ‘til he got the right one Where did he go to on those trips of his There and back to see how far it is Or to see a man about a dog Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do ….that gives you a lot His words when we left him more often than not Singing and dancing, doing the Jive With all his girls right by his side Always there showing us how to be strong How to a change a tyre, laugh at his silly song How to find our way with a pub as our guide We knew with a phone call he’d be right by our side He’d brighten a dreary day with laughter and jokes He’d make everyone smile with funny faces and pokes Talking to strangers you pass on the street Saying silly rhymes about living at pigs feet A firm foundation through all the struggles of life Making memories with Mo his true love and wife A warm hand to hold on to with a hug and a kiss That hug from our dad we’ll forever miss A father and true friend to turn to in good times and bad One of the greatest blessings the man we are proud to call dad